our services
Fiscal representative in Hungary
Companies not resident in the European Union, importing or supplying goods and performing services subject to VAT, need to appoint a Fiscal Representative, acting in the name and on behalf of the foreign company in front of the Hungarian Tax Office.
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Request and translation of corporate documents
We provide translated extract of Hungarian Companies Register reporting actual data, or historical extract of the Register reporting all the modifications of statutes since the establishment. Financial statements, statutes, minutes of the member meetings are also available.
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Professional translations
Our team is composed of highly trained and experienced translators, and provides professional translations of a wide range of business documents from foreign languages to Hungarian, and from Hungarian to foreign languages. Up to 23 languages available. Learn more!
Market research, company formation
Our experience and knowledge of the country will help foreign investors to find the best solutions to invest in Hungary, receiving full-support from all the points of view. Strategic decision making requires specialist skills and resources.
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